Dr. Flabs
Name: Dr.Flabs Here!
Age: Finally 15
Birthday: 1st November
YOYOYO! just in case you landed at the wrong place, this is bout-donkeyness.blogspot.com.
you're here so you gotta follow
MY rules.
Not happy eh? den click
If not, then just shut up and continue reading.
something you should remember.
no spamming.
tag before you leave.
no ripping.
Simple rules.
Sure you can follow em.
So now, enjoy!!! :D [thanks for your cooperation.]
(1)wanna pass my "O"s with flying colours
(2)wanna trade my
TEAPOT in for another one
(3)wanna travel to more places around de world
Saturday, December 6, 2008
De Reason...
sry for not updating for so long coz my computer caught de flu virus so now cannot use at all...now using fren's com for a while.. will continue to update soon..but dunno wen, so patient...
11:12 AM