Dr. Flabs
Name: Dr.Flabs Here!
Age: Finally 15
Birthday: 1st November
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(1)wanna pass my "O"s with flying colours
(2)wanna trade my
TEAPOT in for another one
(3)wanna travel to more places around de world
Friday, March 12, 2010
feeling horrible right now..
Oh.. sorry for not posting.. really can't be bothered to anyways..
just got back our report books todae.. my results was rather okay.. not that bad coz i have to spare a thought for the rest of my friends too.. however, it was not to my expectations, considering that i have tuition and i'm scoring such a mark.. my chem & phy were bad, straight D7s.. Actually, i'm quite okay about my phy cause as long i don't get F9 or E8, i'm happy.. chem was bad thou.. scoring 10/40 was really really really bad lah.. haiz, who ask myself don't study, to be fair, i deserved it.. the rest of my subjects were okay.. actually on the higher side of okay.. bout there.
San-yi and shem going off to shanghai tmr morning already.. so fast. will not be able to see them till after 5months. really sad:( i was the closest to San-yi.. Gonna miss them loads.. hope i can visit them in Shanghai after my "O"s.
i'm still feeling terrible now cause i can't tell anyone bout it.. it's really shocking to me when i first knew about it. Everything makes sense now.. i Guess.. its personal.. dun ask.
8:09 PM